Saturday, October 7, 2017

Don't say you do, if you don't.

When you look at me and say, you understand what I'm going through and that it'll all be okay, do you really understand? Your reassurance means as little as a drop of rain in the desert. It evaporates even before it could get to me.
You say, you can imagine what its like to see my only sibling in a semi comatose state for the past 19 months. 
So, tell me.. How far does your imagination take you?

Does it take you to those 610 days and nights when my brother hasn't uttered a single word, despite our innumerable attempts to make him talk?

Does it take you to a Mom waking up in the middle of the night, looking at her son and turning towards you asking, 
"When will he wake up?", 
while you helplessly stare at her and pat her back to sleep?

Does it take you to a Dad putting up a strong face in front of the family, while you catch him secretly sobbing in his room?

Does your "imagination" take you to a sister looking at old chats of her brother and reading each text of his just the way he would say it, to keep herself reminded of the way they spoke?

Don't say you do, if you don't.
You can't possibly "imagine" anything close to what its like, going through this rough patch.

When you ask me how he's doing and I say, "He is getting better.", but your curiosity forces you to shoot me with a "Is he talking? Is he walking?", while I respond with a "No", just to hear you go..
"What? Why is it taking so long?"
"I can't believe he still isn't walking."
"Its been a very long time since the accident."

Well, guess what?!? I know. We know.
YES! Its taking a lot longer that we thought it would. We, however, wish we knew why. My brother is taking his sweet time to wake up while we try to shake him out of his vegetative state.
NO! He isn't talking or walking, yet. But he soon will.
When you claim to empathize with me or my family or anyone, for that matter, think before you speak. I admit, I don't know what are the right words to say to anybody going through something like this, maybe there are no right or wrong words. But I sure know what NOT to say.

I can't believe the audacity with which you say, "Oh! He shouldn't have gone out that night.". Well, you shouldn't have been born that day, but here you are. So, yeah, few things can't be undone. We just have to deal with them and wait for things to get better.

My family and I have been doing just that, waiting. The journey is testing our patience and slowly draining out our energy but our hopes are sky high. You either continue to hope and pray with us or stay as far as you can. We can do without that kind of negative vibe.

P.S. What I've learnt is: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

~ I'm sorry if this post came out as a whip lash, its not directed towards every person reading this. Just those certain people who bring out this version of me. #sorrynotsorry  #waiting