Sunday, June 5, 2011


        Friends! Ah! Of late i've been losing many of them! Thanks to the misunderstandings that creeped up... Thanks to my "so called" ego... Thanks to their indifference... Thanks to all the stupid stuff i'm thanking now! Well, it isn't really easy to get over it. I don't know why it matters, but it does!
        In my life, friends are like passing clouds... Every cloud passes, it either rains on you and disappears or the wind takes it away.. Then all you can see is clear sky! An apt comparison, isn't it? May not be for ya'll but to some extent for me... Anyway, they are just a part of life.. They aren't life! Every soul on earth is selfish, there aren't many Mother Teresas! I sound mean? Err... ok... if friends weren't selfish, then why would the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" come into existence? Are you doing business out there? If a friend of your's can't help you when you are in need, due to some unavoidable situations, will not remain your friend? Ha! Strange!
         May be i should call myself unlucky with friendship... But i don't think so, coz i do have friends... I would not prefer crying over the spilt milk coz that would fetch me nothing! One rotten apple spoils the whole basket, but i don't wanna think that way... May be every person cannot be compared to a passing cloud, may be there would be someone who is the sky that always stays! :D 
          Everybody hurts someday but i guess i'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.. :)

P.S. Why did i even blog about it? Don't Ask! :P


  1. Wow, i guess its the way u look at it.
    "Either the glass is half full or half empty" :)

  2. Yeah probably! It's situational, the glass may sometimes seem half full and sometimes half empty... Depends on which phase of life a person is going through... Anyway, being an optimist always helps! :)
