Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I don't know!

          Liking someone! Strange feeling... It seems funny later but it usually happens that you end up thinking only about that "someone". Your mind is so occupied by that person all the time! And every stupid romantic song you listen to... errr... Nobody will agree that they actually try hard imagining them self and that "someone" together, with that song playing in background! LOL. I know... it's so lol-able..
            Having a crush is such a bizarre feeling 'cause it doesn't last long! If fades away with the same speed in which it occurred.. Then comes another one or may be none.. But is it true that you can never forget your first ever crush? May be...  But i hardly remember my first, all i can recollect is that i told my Mum about it. :P And don't know which bug bit me after that, i developed some sort of hatred for him... I can never understand why and how can i be so fickle minded when it comes to liking people! Today i love, tomorrow i might hate! Today i hate, tomorrow i might love! Strange i am... and so are these feelings!
            The only thing i can unconditionally love on this planet is PINK (and my family, which includes every soul i consider my family)! :) *wink* I have no idea what i'm blogging (Don't ask me to get idea).. Ah! What did i start with and where did i end! See... I don't have a control on my thoughts either, I manage to divert so easily! :D

P.S. Avoid! This blog post proves the height of my joblessness! :P

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angels who make my life a Fairy Tale...

These are like the people who probably matter to me the most! 
It's a long list though.. :)

To start with,

Oh boy! She is MOTHERLY... You can actually sing "Meri maa..", every time you see her! And i'm not kidding. I guess the word says it all, cause i don't really know another word that aptly describes her... Swathi is Mum-away-from-Mum! :P

* I often fail to express what i feel, but i can always blog! :P  I really want you to know how much you matter to me.. I'm so used to the drama, be it your extremely long texts or your never ending stories or your non-stop weeping sessions or those songs we foolishly enact... Everything! It's like a part of my life now! I somehow admire the way you rigidly say "NO" to few things but finally let me have it my way! And our "torpedo" language, one of the million amazing things we do! :D
I'm more than thankful to God for sending you into my life.. I have no intention to even imagine my college life without you in it! And i also thank God for blessing us with the divine power to exaggerate as our birth right! :P
Irrespective of all the stupid things you do, I love you! :)   

I regret the height of dumbness i possessed when we first met. I was this rude girl who was a lot careless too, more like a kid... And Ali is a counter to all that! He is this not-so-short, not-so-fat, fair guy with zero head weight (and not much body weight :P)... A calm and down to earth person who has nothing negative to say about any soul on this planet! I'm glad we became friends (he's more like a brother though)! He obliges to almost everything i say (not out of choice, he just doesn't have an option) :P

* Thanks for standing my mood swings! I don't think i mentioned you being my Nanny, sorry, a guy... so my Care Taker and a Complaint Box(Argh!). Last but not the least, thanks for teaching me how to cross the road (I know you won't deny that i'm good at it now, in fact better than you :P)! 

Maheshwary is one of those friends whom i would like referring to, more as a "CAT- always on the other side of the wall"! Cause she can  never take my side, when in a group of people pulling my leg... She tries the best to get killed by me, and she's sure i wont! But i guess that's the best part of our friendship.. She is this sweet little girl with the most hilarious accent and wonderful charm that can keep you admiring her forever.. Sneha is my Mum-away-from-Mum (Part 2)!

* Hey, Girl-with-'pinky'- in-your-email-id! You know how much i love you and how much i fear losing you... Hope we remain BFFs , cause i'm so addicted to you and your stupidity!:) Well, being your friend is like being your kid... You're so caring that it definitely reminds me of my Parents!
I can never forget the way we both walk hand-in-hand(like school kids), irrespective of how much people tease us.. Nor can i forget my futile attempts to teach you how to walk and your "Eyyyyuuuuaaaaa....."(Few of them reading this know what it means :P)
Luuuuurrrvvvvvveeee You, Pink! :D

BigShow is my friend-foe-friend! If it's too confusing, let me make it easier, we are friends now! :P Presenting a sloth who can do anything and everything to get you to treat him.. Once you meet him, you might as well want to change the definition of dumbness.. Calls himself a Boy Angel.. =)) In fact, i most of the time fail to understand why God has been so mean to him! :P We can never have a conclusion to any of our discussion, cause no matter what, neither of us would budge! :P Well, it's against the nature to say sweet things about him, but i guess it's time i admit that there indeed are wonderful things about this sloth.. He can be the greatest pal, but can't maintain more than one good friend at once (I don't know what to call it)!

* Ruth, no matter how many times you gracefully screwed up and still continue to do, i'm left with no option but to forgive you! And you know how much i hate you for giving me the most sickest name, that spread like wild fire.. I'm surprised how i got used to that name now! :P Well, you are a wonder-fool person.. I like it how you try hard with your philosophical stuff in spite of knowing how much you suck at it.. Haha... And those gross jokes you crack just to cheer me up! It's really hard for me to be sweet to you and nod my head in agreement to whatsoever you say... and i also know how mutual this feeling is. But i guess that enhances our friendship more...
Thanks for being there, when i was in desperate need of an old friend!
P.S. You're no replacement! :P

Alice & Rieska
These two are my soul sisters! Meeting them was  a totally unexpected thing and letting them go was a completely impossible thing... But i'm glad they happened to me! There is something awesome about them that helped us bond and get closer as friends over such a short span of time! Alice is the cutest teen and Rieska is the craziest company..

* Everytime i'm sad that you guys left, i remind myself of what i once told you.. "Don't cry cause it's over, smile cause it happened"! And i laugh :D I can't stop giggling at how much Ryu loved shopping (*Same pinch*) and how we planned so much for a night out & finally ended up dozing off, and the hindi movie we watched... and the list is pretty long...
All  is well that ends well, but i'd prefer not calling it an end! It was never a 'good bye', it was a 'see you later'! I have two angels in my life... And every moment spent with you guys, i always cherish! 
Love you! :)

Sravani & Sr
My bench mates! They are like the proton and electron, i'm supposed to be the neutron here... Sravani laughs at every lame joke of mine, to the contrary, Sr murders every awesome joke of mine! All i need to pass my time in class during a boring lecture is these two girls.. Most of the time, the senario is something like - "Sravani and i laugh-We share the joke with Sr-She has that straight face-We again laugh"! 
I start laughing even before Srav completes her joke, sometimes she doesn't even have to say anything.. The expression is more than enough (Cause i can read her mind in no time :P)!
Well, Sr is the Mother Teresa! Always ready to help.. Other's needs are at higher priority than her's, and that's like WOW! She is also very understanding and there is never a need for me to give an explanation everytime i mess up..

*Thanks a ton girls! Ya'll make me smile.. :)

And now it's time for the three Crazy girls!  Shrav & Spandy, i hardly see them (thanks to they moving to Beachwood), but there's Skype! :P And Shreya, the loud speaker who laughs and screams without a reason! I'm sure there were times when we ROFLed and later realized we were laughing at nothing! :D

* Sweethearts, I really miss you guys (Shrav & Spandy) and hope to see you very soon, i'll come this time! Shreya, i don't really miss you (You're 1 floor above :P)! I miss the sleepovers like hell... And i can never forget the B__ F____ (Fill it up, you know what i'm talking about) =))
Love you! :)

Mom, Dad & Rohit
My strength! You guys complete me... Ya'll are my most precious possession and i'm nothing without you...

* Mom & Dad, i really love both of you! Rohit... errr... you too! :P And i'm thankful to both of you for giving birth to me before him, I can't imagine my life if he was elder to me... ;)
It's hard for me to write about ya'll cause i can't express it in the best way! You make the best couple and the coolest parents... I won't let you guys down ever! I have more than i could wish for... Thanks a lot for everything! I can't thank ya'll enough.. *hug*

And YOU!  I can't fit my complaints here in this blog... It would be a never ending novel.. If i can make few requests here, 
# Please allow me to click pictures!
# Pallleeezzzeeeee don't make me laugh when something serious is going on and even when we are at the temple!
# Don't show off your martial arts skills on me!
# Drive slow when i'm with you!
# Don't sing! :P

Well, i'm asking for too much and i'm sure you'll do nothing! :) Thanks for being there MD(You know what that means :P)! I wouldn't lie by saying you're the best bro one could wish for but i also wouldn't deny that you're better than the best! :D
We are Family! :P