Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I don't know!

          Liking someone! Strange feeling... It seems funny later but it usually happens that you end up thinking only about that "someone". Your mind is so occupied by that person all the time! And every stupid romantic song you listen to... errr... Nobody will agree that they actually try hard imagining them self and that "someone" together, with that song playing in background! LOL. I know... it's so lol-able..
            Having a crush is such a bizarre feeling 'cause it doesn't last long! If fades away with the same speed in which it occurred.. Then comes another one or may be none.. But is it true that you can never forget your first ever crush? May be...  But i hardly remember my first, all i can recollect is that i told my Mum about it. :P And don't know which bug bit me after that, i developed some sort of hatred for him... I can never understand why and how can i be so fickle minded when it comes to liking people! Today i love, tomorrow i might hate! Today i hate, tomorrow i might love! Strange i am... and so are these feelings!
            The only thing i can unconditionally love on this planet is PINK (and my family, which includes every soul i consider my family)! :) *wink* I have no idea what i'm blogging (Don't ask me to get idea).. Ah! What did i start with and where did i end! See... I don't have a control on my thoughts either, I manage to divert so easily! :D

P.S. Avoid! This blog post proves the height of my joblessness! :P

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