Wednesday, July 2, 2014

LOVE : The Most Misunderstood Word

Love, a strong feeling that all of us experience. We fall in love with a lot of people, things, places and moments. Love is like the proverbial elephant being described by five blind men. Everyone feels a tiny bit of it and is convinced that their version of it is real. Our definitions of love change accordingly. According to what? 
Well, read on..

My perception: 
Being my unpredictable self, I'm posting this at the cost of sounding completely fickle minded. The first perception is a complete outburst and the next one is possibly a realization. 
So, one not-so-fine day, when I was in a not-so-good mood, I happened to write this about love..
" Our definitions of love change according to our self-centered-ness and narcissistic behavior. We hate to admit but we love ourselves a lot more than we could possibly love anyone. Well, love for a person is a way too different from the love for a thing. But we don't understand that. Maybe one common thing is that we always expect the other to reciprocate the love. Both the person and thing.
'Cause we expect our favorite toy to remain intact as long as we wish to play with it or until another new toy catches our attention (after which we won't hesitate to dump the old toy somewhere). We might throw away the old one carelessly, stamp it or mishandle it, but we DON'T want it to break. And that's alright in a way, 'cause they're just toys.
Unfortunately, the same logic doesn't really play apt when "people" are involved. 'Cause then, feelings find their way into the picture. Hearts break, tears flow and all the emotional drama is then born. So, to save yourself the drama, all you should do is: Keep quiet. Keep it to yourself, if you know that confessing your love means nothing but leaving the other person with no other choice but to love you back. Don't confess, if you are not open to a "No". Don't pour your heart out if you know that your love will turn into hatred just 'cause that person doesn't feel the same about you. 
We most of the times, love only the reflection of ourselves we find in the other person" 

And all that, I agree, was an outburst. I never posted it anywhere 'cause I thought it was too negative. Days later, when I read it, I was taken aback by what I myself had written. I realized how none of it seemed true or right in any way to me. Nobody would like it if they read it, maybe they will in a few ways relate to it, but it's not really going to make them feel good. I dint feel good myself.
" Our perceptions change from time to time, depending upon what leaves an impact on our mind and for how long. Well, now i think, not letting the teenage heartbreaks and a couple of meaningless relationships (that I once perceived as love) affecting me. 
What is love? Why is it that i can't overcome the need to define this word? Why should it mean the same thing to everyone? Well, you know what? It need not. Honestly, there is no such thing as "unconditional love" and it's high time we come to terms with that fact. And that's no bad thing, it's probably just a way of life. 
Love is a beautiful feeling. Think of the vivid and innumerable feelings it puts you through. It gives you immense happiness, heart wrecking pain, laughs & tears, smiles, joy & sorrow, gain & loss. All of it. You have to buy it all. The black and the white. Don't expect anything out of it, you don't have to. Love gives you all you need. It's a priceless feeling that one should celebrate, instead of calculating the pros and cons of it. It's no business deal. If there's a darker side to it then there is an even brighter side. It's a package. You need the different flavors, sometimes it's bitter sweet and sometimes it's sweeter than sugar.
I like being this way, a girl who believes in fairy tales, in "true love", in a possible existence of a Prince charming. I believe in the beauty of life and all the unseen magic. Maybe one should let the demons stay in the dark, celebrate what you have and what makes you happy. If there are demons then there are angels too. LOVE is where the demons and the angels miraculously coexist. "

 Unless it's mad and passionate and extraordinary, don't call it love. There are too many mediocre things in life; Love shouldn't be one of them. The moment we begin to seek love, love begins to seek us. So love like you've never loved before and live like there's no tomorrow. Appreciate what you have and always remember to be grateful, 'cause everything comes to the one who is grateful for what he/she has. 

Don't hesitate, don't hold back, don't be so guarded and fearful. Love and fall in love with the entire feeling of being in love.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The New York Trip !

            Sometimes you can feel extremely lonely and out of place when you're in the best possible place. To the contrary, sometimes the most lousiest place can feel like heaven on earth. And what if you have the best company and you're at the best place? That is a deadly combination. Well, a plan that all of us almost gave up on, surprisingly worked out and turned out to be one of the most craziest trips. A trip to the Gorgeous New York City. And these three crackheads who made it all the more fun.

             I'm going to say the nicest things and a few more nice things today.. I know these three will read it with so much interest, for obvious reasons. And for all those who don't know them, here's introducing you to three extremely wacky people.
Read on..

Niharika aka Nihar

          My roomie for a good 9 months now. So it goes unsaid that she knows me inside out . She knows the annoying me, the mean me, the adorable me and the crazy me. And i know the crazy her who'll definitely deny and dismiss the mere existence of the 'adorable me'. If that made any sense.

          Well, here she sits next to me, imitating Chandler from "Friends", making it absolutely impossible for me to write anything, not having the slightest clue that i'm writing about her. She is also simultaneously jumping on my bed and complaining about some of her friend who takes too many selfies and is cribbing about her hair being messed up. To add to all of it, she is humming my fav song in the most awful way and yelling at me for playing it so often and getting it stuck in her head. She is one such person who can crib about anything. Its no surprise if one day she ends up cribbing about not having anything to crib.

          This Queen of Generosity can go to any extremes to help someone, like other's needs always come before her's. I don't know it's possible for someone to be so selfless. And no matter how often she says she doesn't care, i know she does. No matter how tom boyish she is on the outside, she is no different from the most girlie girl.

          One of the loveliest persons I've met. Genuine and adorable. I can just pour my heart out in front of her and know it for sure that i'll never be judged. We can go on for hours about the most random things. 'Cause she talks as much as I do. And this is something that i read somewhere, "Friendship is talking utter nonsense and having that nonsense respected". This line pretty much sums up the bond we share. There have been several days and nights when we kept talking and lost track of time.

          After going to NY last year, we decided to go again and this time not just for coffee. It was wonderful. I don't think she knows how much i love her and I don't think i know why. She is someone i'll treasure for life. 'Cause i know for a matter of fact that irrespective of the time that passes without us talking, a fine day when we do, nothing's going to change. We'll still talk about the most random things for hours. She is family away from family.

I heart you, Nihar <3

Suhas aka Shushu

          An acquaintance, turned friend, turned shushu. From the cutest kid-like smile to the typical Kannada "Ayyo", that he says before and after every alternate sentence, everything about him is cute. And like every other guy, he doesn't like being called "cute", which is why i overdo it.

           Probably one of the effortlessly funny people I've known, with a very rare kind of sense of humor. I haven't really seen the angry/sad Suhas, so i have no clue what he is like during that phase. According to where my imagination takes me, I think he'd still be smiling and saying "Ushuu" (which is supposedly used instead of 'Oh my God"), not to forget the Kannada accent.

           I've never said this to him before, but I admire the person that he is. He falls under the "nice" guy category. Like the combination of the letters n-i-c-e is made for him. Makes sure he doesn't hurt or offend anybody intentionally. And makes sure other's don't offend you in anyway. How? Well, he laughs out loud at the joke on you and tells you that he dint understand the joke. Yeah, that's him.

           Naughty, witty, compassionate, helpful and a few other positive flattering adjectives that I can't think of right now, define this Bangalore guy. One can only imagine the immensity of the liking he has for his city, 'cause guess what, he got it added to his name. I hope his wife doesn't have her city's name added to her name already, or she'll be "Her name" "Bangalore" "Her city's name". I know that's not funny. But then i had this uncontrollable urge to mention this here, despite the fact that I might be dead meat once he reads this.

Whatever! I love you, shushu! And i'm going to miss our selfie routines. "Smile-Click-Stare-Click"

Kabeer aka Kabeera

           The most unexpected friend. After completely ignoring each other initially and not really acknowledging the fact that we actually get along, here we are today, sharing a very peculiar bond. A "Saas-Bahu" bond, which we both decided on, keeping in mind our shudh-Hindi-sometimes-Urdu conversations. We keep talking effortlessly and endlessly unless and until acted upon by the famous word "Aur bata". That is when we know, we've spoken too much  and had too much of each other and that we should stop for a while.

           He is one of the most handsome guys alive, is what he thinks, which need not necessarily be true. Well, this misconception leads him to believe that he is an 8.5 on 10. And I'd say he is probably a 9 on 10. The grace 0.5 ONLY 'cause he dint give himself a 10, which I sure as hell thought he would do.

           Our initial bonding was after we found our mutual liking (turned obsession) for a Bollywood song, which came as a shocker to me 'cause i thought he was more of the Honey Singh kind. Anyway, it dint take really long for us to get to know each other after that. Maybe our frequencies or modulations or whatever it is that he calls it, matched!

           From his self-obsession, to his stupid jokes, to that annoying frown that creeps into his forehead even before the smile starts to fade, to the i-know-everything attitude, it doesn't take long to get used to all of it. 'Cause he is the perfect combination of entertainment and fun. Best company one could ever be in. A mobile television. Imitates every possible accent, cracks lame yet funny jokes. You won't realize when his target shifts from the person you're laughing at to you, and now you're the new laughing stock. That's how spontaneous and unpredictable he is.

          If any day i screw up awfully, I'll owe it all to his suggestions that i very willingly obeyed. And I know that no matter what, I won't regret.

Thank for being there, Kabeera! Love you.

Having them around, makes my life what it is, here in US. Their presence is precious and their absence might kill. I owe those three days in New York City and all the fun associated with the trip, to these three fools.
Love you, guys!

P.S. Now worship me (: