Wednesday, July 2, 2014

LOVE : The Most Misunderstood Word

Love, a strong feeling that all of us experience. We fall in love with a lot of people, things, places and moments. Love is like the proverbial elephant being described by five blind men. Everyone feels a tiny bit of it and is convinced that their version of it is real. Our definitions of love change accordingly. According to what? 
Well, read on..

My perception: 
Being my unpredictable self, I'm posting this at the cost of sounding completely fickle minded. The first perception is a complete outburst and the next one is possibly a realization. 
So, one not-so-fine day, when I was in a not-so-good mood, I happened to write this about love..
" Our definitions of love change according to our self-centered-ness and narcissistic behavior. We hate to admit but we love ourselves a lot more than we could possibly love anyone. Well, love for a person is a way too different from the love for a thing. But we don't understand that. Maybe one common thing is that we always expect the other to reciprocate the love. Both the person and thing.
'Cause we expect our favorite toy to remain intact as long as we wish to play with it or until another new toy catches our attention (after which we won't hesitate to dump the old toy somewhere). We might throw away the old one carelessly, stamp it or mishandle it, but we DON'T want it to break. And that's alright in a way, 'cause they're just toys.
Unfortunately, the same logic doesn't really play apt when "people" are involved. 'Cause then, feelings find their way into the picture. Hearts break, tears flow and all the emotional drama is then born. So, to save yourself the drama, all you should do is: Keep quiet. Keep it to yourself, if you know that confessing your love means nothing but leaving the other person with no other choice but to love you back. Don't confess, if you are not open to a "No". Don't pour your heart out if you know that your love will turn into hatred just 'cause that person doesn't feel the same about you. 
We most of the times, love only the reflection of ourselves we find in the other person" 

And all that, I agree, was an outburst. I never posted it anywhere 'cause I thought it was too negative. Days later, when I read it, I was taken aback by what I myself had written. I realized how none of it seemed true or right in any way to me. Nobody would like it if they read it, maybe they will in a few ways relate to it, but it's not really going to make them feel good. I dint feel good myself.
" Our perceptions change from time to time, depending upon what leaves an impact on our mind and for how long. Well, now i think, not letting the teenage heartbreaks and a couple of meaningless relationships (that I once perceived as love) affecting me. 
What is love? Why is it that i can't overcome the need to define this word? Why should it mean the same thing to everyone? Well, you know what? It need not. Honestly, there is no such thing as "unconditional love" and it's high time we come to terms with that fact. And that's no bad thing, it's probably just a way of life. 
Love is a beautiful feeling. Think of the vivid and innumerable feelings it puts you through. It gives you immense happiness, heart wrecking pain, laughs & tears, smiles, joy & sorrow, gain & loss. All of it. You have to buy it all. The black and the white. Don't expect anything out of it, you don't have to. Love gives you all you need. It's a priceless feeling that one should celebrate, instead of calculating the pros and cons of it. It's no business deal. If there's a darker side to it then there is an even brighter side. It's a package. You need the different flavors, sometimes it's bitter sweet and sometimes it's sweeter than sugar.
I like being this way, a girl who believes in fairy tales, in "true love", in a possible existence of a Prince charming. I believe in the beauty of life and all the unseen magic. Maybe one should let the demons stay in the dark, celebrate what you have and what makes you happy. If there are demons then there are angels too. LOVE is where the demons and the angels miraculously coexist. "

 Unless it's mad and passionate and extraordinary, don't call it love. There are too many mediocre things in life; Love shouldn't be one of them. The moment we begin to seek love, love begins to seek us. So love like you've never loved before and live like there's no tomorrow. Appreciate what you have and always remember to be grateful, 'cause everything comes to the one who is grateful for what he/she has. 

Don't hesitate, don't hold back, don't be so guarded and fearful. Love and fall in love with the entire feeling of being in love.


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