Saturday, April 18, 2015

Growing UP !

"GROW UP". How often do you get that from people?
Well, I only hear it during an argument, when I don't understand the other person's justification, 'cause then I'm suddenly immature and I need to grow up. I have no clue how to react to that. What's it with growing up anyway?
I've managed to define immaturity though. Here's my definition: "Immaturity is when you expect people to be nice to you when you have been nothing but good to them".
Little did I know, that's not how things work. 'Cause then it'd be your fault and words like gullible and immature will be fired at you.
You hit maturity when you come to terms with the fact that not everybody will reciprocate what you do for them. Clearly contradicting immaturity, maturity is when you can do whatsoever you feel like and still expect the other person to be nice to you and if they reciprocated your foul behavior and gave you a dose of your own medicine, then they are juvenile and immature to do so.
If that's where growing up takes you, I'm quite happy and comfortable being people's definition of immature. Most times, innocence is misunderstood as immaturity.

I grow every day, every moment, every second. More than just growing UP, what matters more is what you grow INTO. I'm 22 years old and those years of my life definitely have a lot to do with what I am today but is there a measure to how much my soul has "grown"? For all you know, I could be a baby at heart and my brain could take the decisions a 30 year old takes.
Trying to cope with this ambiguous imbalance, midst all the changes and experiences life has put me through, here I am, defining immaturity and immaturity while figuring out what's it like to grow up and if anybody ever really grows up.
I read somewhere that one meets a lot of temporary people from 18 to 22. Well, I did too and each one of those passing clouds have taught me something about life. No matter how small or big, how useful or vain, how important of insignificant; every lesson is precious.

  • Lesson 1 : The Color GREY
If you thought the world would leave you alone with just two options(colors): Black and White, you're wrong. It's high time you acknowledge the color grey.
*drum rolls* Please?
Presenting to you, "The Grey Drive", where half of the people in the world live.
An answer to a question can't possibly be either 'yes or no', there is a 'maybe'. And that's not 'cause they don't know in their head what they really want, they probably do, but they will play their diplomacy card and let you swim in the ambiguity somewhere among one of those million grey shades.

Lesson? Acknowledge the color grey.

  • Lesson 2 : Introducing the Plastics
Somehow, what you show the world is more important than what you really are. Let me ask you a question. Normally, how long does a smile last? 3 ish seconds, maybe? And it probably takes about 2 more seconds for it to fade. But guess what? I've seen smiles appear and disappear in less than 2 seconds.
Plastic alert.
You might be flashing back a genuine smile for all they care. A lot of them are so engrossed in their own mess that any other being on this planet seems like an insignificant existence to them. Actually, that's how we are sometimes. We might not realize the cold wake me pass around when we fake a smile.

Lesson? Don't join the plastic league. Melt the plastic, smile often. If not for anything, smile 'cause it makes you look pretty. You don't want to grow into a grumpy 20 something person, do you? always have that curve glued to your face. Your smile can make someone's day.

  • Lesson 3 : The Shadow Friend

 "A friend in need is a friend indeed". I always wondered why the writer did not use the plural, "Friends in need are friends indeed". 'Cause he was smart and practical and he knew that it can get hard as hell to find even that one friend when you really need one. Someone who'll never leave your side, someone who'll stay just like your shadow. You might not see your shadow in darkness, but you always know it's there.
We often tend to take people for granted. It's human to be greedy. For instance, if there are 3 open boxes with gifts and one closed box lying in front of us, we'd be more curious about the one that's closed. The unknown intrigues us. Would we gamble those three open boxes for one closed one? Nobody knows.

Lesson? Value what's in your hand. Hold on to that one person, appreciate what he/she does for you. Understand how precious it is and how you can never trade anything with this friendship 'cause nothing can ever compensate for this.

That's just a few, which according to me are the core. So grow up but grow up into someone nice. Understand the world around you and respect people for who they are. Be whatever or whosoever you want to be and do what your heart says, but try not to harm anyone by your ways. Like my Mom always says, "Grow up gracefully and set an example". Wait, let me add, set a "good" example.  
And finally..

~ Always keep that kid in you alive. Smile often, value people, sing the song of life and dance to the rhythm of the universe.
Love, Monisha.

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