Thursday, March 24, 2011

I ♥ happy endings! :D

            How i wish fairy tales were true! How i wish every story had a happy ending! But most of the time, things don't happen the way we expect them to go... There are rough patches, ups & downs and so, not every story has a happy ending! :( NOW enough of what people call the "Practical attitude". Let's talk about something that might somehow make us happy... Let's talk fiction! :)
             I believe in angels (In fact, i call myself one)! :P Do you? Well, even before you answer that, let me tell you that every time somebody says that they don't believe in angels (I'm not saying it), somewhere an angel falls dead! :( Awww.... sad, isn't it? So don't say it! :P
             And angels are for real! Every time something nice happens to us, most of us thank God. But may be we should thank those angels whom god sent to make us happy! I heard this when i was a kid that God created mothers coz he couldn't manage to make his presence everywhere! Quite true! So isn't every mom a god sent angel? She definitely is... Your mom is your angel! A friend who cheers you up by saying stupid stuff when your feeling low, is an angel... A stranger who smiles at you when you are in a complete new place and makes you happy, is an angel.. We are all surrounded by angels, all we need to do is change our outlook!
              When something bad happens to us, we are all sad and gloomy... we tend to hate everything that happens! But remember, when one door closes, we have many angels who open several other doors for us... I know i already sound filmy... well, to add to it.. "Every story is supposed to have a happy ending and if it doesn't then it is not the end of the story" (Shamelessly copy-pasted from OM SHANTI OM) :P But it is pretty true!
               Believe in happy endings... coz it feels really nice when you feel you KNOW that everything is gonna fall back to place and things will be as expected or may be even better! :) Have a positive attitude! Be an optimist!

P.S. I'm an angel now! :P If i somehow made you feel better or made you giggle (at my stupid thoughts)! :) C'mon.. I must've made you smile! Monisha is an angel.. (say it) :P