Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slut walk!

  The argument on “slut walk” seems to be never ending! Everybody has their own perception about stuff, I have mine too… But before I put it forward, I’d like to elaborate a little more on how slut walk started! Well, Slut Walk was first held in Toronto this year after a police officer outraged women world over when he said in a speech to university students "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." What started, as a protest in one city has spread over 60 cities worldwide to bring attention to society's penchant to blame victims of sexual assault by saying they were asking for it!

 I personally support the whole motive of slut walk. Some person on the streets has no right to decide what I should wear. And I would consider this (slut walk) an opportunity to prove to the prudes that a woman’s integrity is in her heart and not in what she wears. A woman should be able to do exactly what she wants to do to feel emancipated... it's her body, her choice. But when people talk about the way women dress, is it that ONLY skimpily clad women are victims of nasty comments and sexual assault? NO! Even women who dress in saris or not so revealing clothes are harassed!

 Showing a little skin, some say sexy and others say it’s asking for trouble. Somebody made a comparison and quoted, “It’s like placing a bowl of rice in front of a hungry beggar and asking him to keep his hands off it.”! Well, it’s evident whom the hungry beggar and rice are compared to, but I’d like to specify that a hungry beggar craves for rice irrespective of whether it’s sealed in a box or kept open in a plate! NO girl wants or asks for the kind of crude attention and harassment that is doled out and clothes are not rape proof! So I guess it’s time to blame the rapists for rape!
Physical abuse is considered physical abuse in any part of the world! If the consequence of a woman stepping out of the house would be one among rape, physical abuse or sexual assault, then what has to be done? Are women born to sit at home? Why should there be some or the other people present to protect a woman from men? Don’t men have social values? Too many questions, isn’t it? Well, many such unanswered questions arise in the mind of every girl. Well, not all men think that slut walk is a treat to their eyes, there are a few who are concerned about the motive behind the movement. I heard a guy quoting, “She shouldn't have to hang out with me just to feel safe”! That’s comforting!
                According to me, a slut walk should be organized at every city where people think it’s women who provoke the men to assault them! The Slut walk has been branded a 'social movement', which has seen participation of women from all walks of life walking for the cause in the last two months.

  In the capital of our very own country, it (slut walk) was called the “Walk to Liberation”. If that could make a change in certain people’s mindsets then I’m sure most people would agree to it! I definitely say it out loud that organizing a slut walk in other cities of India is very relevant! A hell yeah to it!

My article about Slut Walk in the magazine (Campus Josh)


  1. Well,I have a question. Pretty strong arguments on the slut walk monisha. But tell me,do you know HOW many even turned up for the slut Walk in Delhi this time? fewer than a miserable number of 60. So I'll give you some thought.. I think its awesome you think Slut Walk should be organised in every city but,(blame it on me studying law :/) Slut Walks-atleast the notion of it- though very famous and awesome on Facebook,does it have so many supporters in India? I mean take you :) Would you walk in that definition of 'boldness' you just mentioned?

  2. True enough, vinaya! Not everybody supports Slut Walk and even if they do, not all of them would walk... That's just the way people think! A person decides on what is important and what is not, depending on one's own priorities in life.. Slut Walk is like any other marathon or rally or any such movement that's held for a CAUSE which isn't new to India (not Slut Walk) and so most people know that it'll fade off from people's memory in no time... For instance, if i asked you "Would you take part in the rally that's being organised to prevent cruelty against animals?" and you would decide keeping in mind what's important for you.. Stuff that matters to one person need not to the other... I really appreciate your opinion but i don't agree! :) And YEAH i would walk!
