Friday, July 20, 2012


                Let's start with how YOU read the title of this blog post. "No where" or "Now here" ? You know what you read ! Well, it's just a word that can be read any which ways, right ? Most of us would say No where! But then, maybe it also depends on how life's treating you.. If you're super optimistic and extra happy with the happenings in your life (which is seldom the case), you'd probably say Now here !
                Well, this post is not all about the various ways a word can be pronounced. 

                Now suppose the word to be a situation or a person in your life. Just like the word 'nowhere', which can be read in two different ways and both meaning opposites, even the perception that you have about someone or something might be entirely WRONG, though it may seem right to you.. Well, it need not be wrong all the time but there is a possibility.. 

                So, don't just stick to your perceptions, being dogmatic never helps.. 'Cause 99 out of 100 times, there is a lot more to things than what meets the eye. It's always nicer to have an open mind and not be judgmental about stuff.. Here i'm being vague by using the word "stuff" 'cause i'm not very sure about which context you'll apply this to, it's apt for ALL the possible situations though!  

P.S. And 'no where' or 'now here', you'll only see what you want to see.. Nobody apart from you has a control over it! So careful..
Cheers :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Crush --> Crush : The Journey!

           Another boring day at college, you're loafing around in your campus and you see this really hot guy or a very cute girl AND that's it, you're crushed! You don't know the name, nor do you know the year or branch of your crush. All you know is how they look.. That's how lame crushes are and that's the best part. Fortunately or unfortunately, you can get crushed more than once at the same time, like the 'Multiple Inheritance' property of JAVA.. You like someone's smile, the other's hair and someone else's dressing.. And like hell, you like it all.. Can never adjust for just one, right?

            Well, i just got crushed! I take it slow, so just one at at time. The 'multiple inheritance' doesn't work for me. instead i prefer several 'Single Inheritances' :D

             Crushes are impulsive. You have this overwhelming momentary excitement that nothing can beat. Its the 'aaj main upar, aasma neeche' type of a feeling.. that obviously doesn't stay when the bubble breaks n you realize that you're actually neeche and the aasma is right where its supposed to be, upar.. 'Cause a crush fades away with the same speed with which it happened to you! An IF by any chance it doesn't fade, then s*** happens.. A lot of it! :P

               So, following the tradition and ethics of having a crush, i stick to the 'FADE PRINCIPLE', according to which, "If you want something new to be a part of your life, you've got to let go of something old (no matter how valuable it is)" Most people who live by this principles, are happy souls!

                My dear crushed souls, always remember.. If your crush is too busy to notice you or takes time to do so, you NEED NOT wait! Just follow THE 'Fade Principle', you'll go places :P Let the journey never end! It's fun to be crushed!

Happy Journey :D

Friday, April 6, 2012

AMARnath Sir(Uncle)..

            My life to me seemed like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle until i encountered one of the most wonderful persons on the planet earth, Amarnath Rao sir, who very elegantly assembled all the scattered pieces of my life and brought them together! Not only me, in fact he has brought about a marvelous change in many others like me who love him for all that he has to offer. More than a mentor, he has been a dear friend to us!
            Well, he presently is the "Chief Knowledge Catalyst" at "Mind Matters". Our collge made Amar sir available to us as a part of the pre-placement training. Every session of his is so enlightening, even if it includes stuff known to us, it seems so new then. 'Cause may be its just the way he puts things make them as awesome as they look to us.
            A cricket enthusiast who can give as many possible examples of Sachin & Dravid and their achievements. Even for somebody like me who despises the game, those examples seem so apt, 'cause like i said its all about how he puts it. Every session is like a surprise.. To me its like a very pretty package in a sparkling pink wrapper with a ribbon on it! I can't wait to open it.  And it always has something as precious as a valuable trinket, enclosed in it that makes me more than just happy.
            Somebody who brings out the mest in me, somebody who is always there to appreciate every little effort of mine, somebody who has time for all his students, who is always open to learning, a selfless teacher who can motivate even a rock! A person who says the right things at the right moment!

And yeah, very popular with the girls! :D

I can probably write a whole novel about him, he has etched his name in my mind forever! And forever is just the beginning.. Its hard to say goodbye, so i choose not to! 
You're our very own Shiv Khera and looking forward to many other sessions in the future! 
Thanks for everything, sir :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


       I keep saying, "I wanna be famous", "I wanna be independent", "I wanna be filthy rich"! Blah blah blah... And i was telling this to a friend of mine the other day, he just said: "Everybody wants the exact same things, Mon"

      Not that i wasn't aware of it, but when he said that, I actually thought to myself: "You've got shitloads of competition, darling! Its not only you whose got ambitions.". Then i started doing the math in my head, which gave me an extremely HUGE number and that definitely dampened my spirits! When it's so difficult to make your mark in your own college, how hard would it be to compete with people who've got the exact same ambitions like your's from million other colleges? Huh! That feeling can be so depressing and feels like a whole of 1000 tonnes of weight on your head.

      Well, i tried comforting myself then. I realized i was thinking of what OTHERS want and what THEY'd do to get what THEY want! My focus shifted from MY ambitions to THEIR's.. Its so much like the feeling after examinations when we start cribbing over our friend's set 'cause it was easy! Why don't we evaluate our performance on our own set instead of imagining how well we would've written the exam if we got his/her set? Well, simple! I'll tell you, it's human tendency! All we do is COMPARE!

       Mum usually says, comparison is good! And that, a wise person will compare him/her-self with someone better than him/her, when he/she wants to grow and to keep him/her-self grounded, will compare him/her-self with someone better than him/her! How true! 

        Sometimes, the right attitude is all it takes, It's all within YOU! Just the way you look at things matters. The choices you make, define who you are and who you will be! 
Believe in yourself! :)