Friday, July 20, 2012


                Let's start with how YOU read the title of this blog post. "No where" or "Now here" ? You know what you read ! Well, it's just a word that can be read any which ways, right ? Most of us would say No where! But then, maybe it also depends on how life's treating you.. If you're super optimistic and extra happy with the happenings in your life (which is seldom the case), you'd probably say Now here !
                Well, this post is not all about the various ways a word can be pronounced. 

                Now suppose the word to be a situation or a person in your life. Just like the word 'nowhere', which can be read in two different ways and both meaning opposites, even the perception that you have about someone or something might be entirely WRONG, though it may seem right to you.. Well, it need not be wrong all the time but there is a possibility.. 

                So, don't just stick to your perceptions, being dogmatic never helps.. 'Cause 99 out of 100 times, there is a lot more to things than what meets the eye. It's always nicer to have an open mind and not be judgmental about stuff.. Here i'm being vague by using the word "stuff" 'cause i'm not very sure about which context you'll apply this to, it's apt for ALL the possible situations though!  

P.S. And 'no where' or 'now here', you'll only see what you want to see.. Nobody apart from you has a control over it! So careful..
Cheers :)

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