Sunday, January 6, 2013

Memories I treasure..

Final year of graduation. And I must say, time really flies!  

           Like people say, you only start to value things in their absence. How true! The semester is almost come to an end and now most of us are attempting to compensate for all the fun we probably missed having in the past 3 years.

          The first day of college still feels so fresh. Every year was so different, from being a fresher to being a senior and now the senior most in college, it was all a happy experience! Actually, not always happy. I’m sure everyone must’ve had their share of ups and downs, patch ups and fights, laughs and tears, friends and foes, crushes and heartbreaks. But then, at the end of the day, all we remember is the fun we had.

          When we first stepped into the college, most of us dint have the slightest clue regarding what’s in store for us. Initially, college was exciting then we went on cribbing about every possible thing in it, not ‘cause it was bad but ‘cause all we wanted to do was have fun and that dint really go well with our management. Did that stop us from going to college? HELL NO! Thanks to “attendance”, our old friend. Haha.. And no matter how much we despised college, we’ll always like it for bringing to us those strangers who are now our friends for life.

           Time is so unpredictable. People who were once best friends are now bitter enemies and those who dint like each other very much, went on to become inseparable friends. And I must say, there are times when close ones got closer. We hardly have control over such things. In fact, we never estimate the length of our fluctuating friend list. It’s all a part of the journey.

            Experienced a lot of ‘first times’ during graduation. I still remember my first bunk, the first time I boarded the rtc bus and I can never forget getting into a bus full of seniors waiting to rag me on the very second day at college. Getting ragged and deciding not to rag any fresher when we became seniors, well, that dint last long. Knocking the door of the final year class and running away like crazy in the corridors. Did the most unimaginable things. And of course, our canteens, juice centres.. Everybody’s fav, “Pandey Bhai”, who left us heart broken when he took away his food stall. I almost thought I’d starve to death without his food. But like everything else, we got over that too. Assignments. Mid-terms. Seminars. College fests. Finally, semester exams followed by the results. AND I’ll stop right there. *wink*

             The college has become a part of our routine and now we need to find something to do, there is no where we HAVE TO be every morning. No matter how much we hated the monotonous nature of our graduation life, that is something that we’ll all miss the most now and the bus journey, which initially seemed tiring but later became something that we waited for after a hectic day at college. That's almost come to an end now. It's time we make the most of the remaining time. 

I'd love to thank everybody who made me smile, i forgive everyone who hurt me and i apologize to everyone whom i hurt. Lets all stay in good terms with everybody, at least good enough to exchange a smile when we meet somewhere outside college. I'll miss college and all those whom i smile at and all those who smile at me. No hard feeling. No regrets. 

Monisha :)

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