Sunday, May 26, 2013

Topsy turvy life..

               Who wouldn’t want a picture perfect life? Where only nice n happy things happened to people.. No villains or vamps.. No gloomy stuff.. All sadness subtracted.. Like a fairy tale.

                But who are we kidding? Life’s a b*#%h! It’s unpredictable. One moment it gives you immense happiness and the next moment it crowns you the queen/king of all sorrows. Makes you laugh. Makes you cry. Watches you fall flat on your face and also watches you rise & shine bright like a diamond. Shows you a happy sunny day and then puts you through a dark stormy night. One moment you feel like you rule the world and the other moment you feel like an abandoned lay person. It gives you the best and worst possible moments to live with.

              Life is not perfect, but how you polish yourself and grow during the journey, makes all those imperfections look perfect.              

             “You are the author of your own story, your life”. How true! You define your life. Your choices.. Your decisions.. And all choices need not be necessarily right. You are human and to commit mistakes, is human.
               You must’ve chosen the wrong company in school. Or dated the wrong guy/girl in college. It must be hard to decide whether to study further or work after once you graduate. There are times you don’t know whether to hold on or let go of things/people. YOU MIGHT CHOOSE TO DO SOMETHING YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO. You might have taken up the wrong job when you had the right one in hand.. Pushed away someone who loved you, to be with someone you love.. Let your family and friends down. Done all possible things you shouldn’t have..

               But then, isn’t life a process of learning and unlearning? Can’t you commit mistakes and correct them once you realize? Yes, you can! All you need is courage to do that. No matter how much you screwed up in the past, you just have to take a step forward and do everything it takes to undo the damage. You don’t have to keep paying for one wrong decision you made. You don’t have to go all the way when you’ve taken the road not taken, you can always trace your path back and start all over again. Its never too late! 

P.S. To walk within the lines, would make your life so boring. Take chances, go to the extremes, feel alive! Don’t repent.. Don’t regret.. Live every moment of your life to the fullest.. You never know what the next moment has got in store for you :)


  1. Nice blog....... And interesting too....... But u have a long way to go to become a professional blogger..... All the very best..... Keep continuing..... God bless u..... :) :)

    1. Yes, i'm still amateur.. Thanks for the frank feedback anyway :)

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