Saturday, January 8, 2011

Unexplainable Feelings!

                 You know that person is lying.... You know he/she hides the truth from you.... He/She makes you feel like your the only one he/she cares for and the very next moment he/she acts aloof like it doesn't matter whatsoever happens to you.... You know it hurts when that person is rude to you.... Your the only one who knows you are in pain....
                  Even then, you wait... Coz you can't let go! You keep waitin for the moment when he/she will confess the truth and might make an effort to sort stuff out! But how long? How long will you fake your feelings? How long can u possibly stick that plastic smile on your face? You can't lie to yourself for long, can you?
                  Everything has a saturation point! EVERYTHING! After that you can't help the situation, even if you wish to...
                  You would love having an ice-cream only before it melts... Once it melts, it's only the slime you can lick off your fingers... You still are eating the ice-cream but you don't enjoy the taste and it's not meant to be eaten that way either!
                   Don't wait for the right moment, there is nothing like that.. Go for it and make it the right moment! All i wanna say is... Don't test people's patience... Don't take anybody for granted (whosoever it may b)... Don't wait till things reach an yielding point and situations get out of your control... "Make hay while sun shines!" I know this saying may seem meaningless (Who would wish to make hay?). Well, lets not take it literally.. grasp the soul of the saying...
                   Ya'll might fail to understand why i blogged stuff like this out of the blue... Hmmm... I usually act before i think! That's where i mess up most of the stuff... Brooding over few such incidents where i screwed up and did exactly what i shouldn't have done, I really feel it's time to learn from all of it and mend my ways!
                   When people say "Never give explanations! People who understand you, will not need it and those who don't understand you are not worth it".. i say.. "Never say never"! Well, that's pretty true.. But lets face it, we are human beings! We ain't GODS! When things mess up (irrespective of whose fault it is), confront that person and try sorting things out... I can't guarantee that everything will become picture perfect but you at least made an attempt to do so... You'll be clear on your part and will feel better too..
                  So for all those people who messed up things and are waiting for the right moment, THIS IS THE RIGHT MOMENT! No room for EGO! There is nothing to wait for... Go for it!  Forgive and Forget! :)