Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who cares?

            All of you must surely have one such person around who cries very often. And most of you do know people whom you call a "CRY BABY"! It's just a part of fun to tease them... Cat-calling and making people who cry the prime topic of the jokes is definitely easy..! But do you ever think how that person feels? Most of us don't...
             It usually happens that when a person cries in front you for the first time, you try to console him/her... you do it even the second time. But why do you stop caring when the person cries for the 10th or 15th time? How does the number of times the person has cried matter? I really don't get it... You tend to feel bad even when a person you care for cries for the 100th time.... I don't understand how people manage to say "Huh! He/She keeps crying. Leave it alone.." Whoa! What a thing to say!
            Have you ever put yourself in that person's shoes? Stuff that hurts him/her need not seem appealing to you (You are not him/her).
            Hmmm... I don't know what exactly to write in this space but do remember, when somebody is weeping or feeling low... It's neither the time to show your bad attitude nor to count the number of times that person has cried! Well, if you don't care... then don't pretend like you do... coz at that moment it may make that person feel better but when you don't show the same amount of care the next time, it hurts even more! But then if you do care... just chuck all those stupid thoughts and think what you can do to cheer that person  up and make the moment lighter! Spread happiness..! :)


  1. That Is True
    That is why everyone doesn't share
    their Emotions with every one ....
    We "CRY" only because something happens
    to our Near & Dear ones OR to oneself

    I feel Emotions are to be shared

  2. Yeah! But it would be really nice if people really cared... :|
