Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flop plan!

      Imagine, you plan for a holiday with family or friends and make sure every detail is take care of AND then the trip gets cancelled! *BOOM* Shattered you feel, isn't it?
      Now imagine, you end up going on a trip you were just discussing, like 15 minutes back! How amazing! You bet!
Everything doesn't happen the way we expect it to happen. Sometimes, things do go in a way they are not supposed to.. But fortunately or unfortunately, no human has control on any bit of it! So, the best and the ONLY way is to live with it.. 'Cause no matter what, everything happens for a reason. Good or bad is secondary! In fact, that shouldn't be the question, just be glad you've something new to experience! :)

P.S. People become extra philosophical about stuff like this when plans get CANCELLED at the last moment! :-|

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I don't know!

          Liking someone! Strange feeling... It seems funny later but it usually happens that you end up thinking only about that "someone". Your mind is so occupied by that person all the time! And every stupid romantic song you listen to... errr... Nobody will agree that they actually try hard imagining them self and that "someone" together, with that song playing in background! LOL. I know... it's so lol-able..
            Having a crush is such a bizarre feeling 'cause it doesn't last long! If fades away with the same speed in which it occurred.. Then comes another one or may be none.. But is it true that you can never forget your first ever crush? May be...  But i hardly remember my first, all i can recollect is that i told my Mum about it. :P And don't know which bug bit me after that, i developed some sort of hatred for him... I can never understand why and how can i be so fickle minded when it comes to liking people! Today i love, tomorrow i might hate! Today i hate, tomorrow i might love! Strange i am... and so are these feelings!
            The only thing i can unconditionally love on this planet is PINK (and my family, which includes every soul i consider my family)! :) *wink* I have no idea what i'm blogging (Don't ask me to get idea).. Ah! What did i start with and where did i end! See... I don't have a control on my thoughts either, I manage to divert so easily! :D

P.S. Avoid! This blog post proves the height of my joblessness! :P

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angels who make my life a Fairy Tale...

These are like the people who probably matter to me the most! 
It's a long list though.. :)

To start with,

Oh boy! She is MOTHERLY... You can actually sing "Meri maa..", every time you see her! And i'm not kidding. I guess the word says it all, cause i don't really know another word that aptly describes her... Swathi is Mum-away-from-Mum! :P

* I often fail to express what i feel, but i can always blog! :P  I really want you to know how much you matter to me.. I'm so used to the drama, be it your extremely long texts or your never ending stories or your non-stop weeping sessions or those songs we foolishly enact... Everything! It's like a part of my life now! I somehow admire the way you rigidly say "NO" to few things but finally let me have it my way! And our "torpedo" language, one of the million amazing things we do! :D
I'm more than thankful to God for sending you into my life.. I have no intention to even imagine my college life without you in it! And i also thank God for blessing us with the divine power to exaggerate as our birth right! :P
Irrespective of all the stupid things you do, I love you! :)   

I regret the height of dumbness i possessed when we first met. I was this rude girl who was a lot careless too, more like a kid... And Ali is a counter to all that! He is this not-so-short, not-so-fat, fair guy with zero head weight (and not much body weight :P)... A calm and down to earth person who has nothing negative to say about any soul on this planet! I'm glad we became friends (he's more like a brother though)! He obliges to almost everything i say (not out of choice, he just doesn't have an option) :P

* Thanks for standing my mood swings! I don't think i mentioned you being my Nanny, sorry, a guy... so my Care Taker and a Complaint Box(Argh!). Last but not the least, thanks for teaching me how to cross the road (I know you won't deny that i'm good at it now, in fact better than you :P)! 

Maheshwary is one of those friends whom i would like referring to, more as a "CAT- always on the other side of the wall"! Cause she can  never take my side, when in a group of people pulling my leg... She tries the best to get killed by me, and she's sure i wont! But i guess that's the best part of our friendship.. She is this sweet little girl with the most hilarious accent and wonderful charm that can keep you admiring her forever.. Sneha is my Mum-away-from-Mum (Part 2)!

* Hey, Girl-with-'pinky'- in-your-email-id! You know how much i love you and how much i fear losing you... Hope we remain BFFs , cause i'm so addicted to you and your stupidity!:) Well, being your friend is like being your kid... You're so caring that it definitely reminds me of my Parents!
I can never forget the way we both walk hand-in-hand(like school kids), irrespective of how much people tease us.. Nor can i forget my futile attempts to teach you how to walk and your "Eyyyyuuuuaaaaa....."(Few of them reading this know what it means :P)
Luuuuurrrvvvvvveeee You, Pink! :D

BigShow is my friend-foe-friend! If it's too confusing, let me make it easier, we are friends now! :P Presenting a sloth who can do anything and everything to get you to treat him.. Once you meet him, you might as well want to change the definition of dumbness.. Calls himself a Boy Angel.. =)) In fact, i most of the time fail to understand why God has been so mean to him! :P We can never have a conclusion to any of our discussion, cause no matter what, neither of us would budge! :P Well, it's against the nature to say sweet things about him, but i guess it's time i admit that there indeed are wonderful things about this sloth.. He can be the greatest pal, but can't maintain more than one good friend at once (I don't know what to call it)!

* Ruth, no matter how many times you gracefully screwed up and still continue to do, i'm left with no option but to forgive you! And you know how much i hate you for giving me the most sickest name, that spread like wild fire.. I'm surprised how i got used to that name now! :P Well, you are a wonder-fool person.. I like it how you try hard with your philosophical stuff in spite of knowing how much you suck at it.. Haha... And those gross jokes you crack just to cheer me up! It's really hard for me to be sweet to you and nod my head in agreement to whatsoever you say... and i also know how mutual this feeling is. But i guess that enhances our friendship more...
Thanks for being there, when i was in desperate need of an old friend!
P.S. You're no replacement! :P

Alice & Rieska
These two are my soul sisters! Meeting them was  a totally unexpected thing and letting them go was a completely impossible thing... But i'm glad they happened to me! There is something awesome about them that helped us bond and get closer as friends over such a short span of time! Alice is the cutest teen and Rieska is the craziest company..

* Everytime i'm sad that you guys left, i remind myself of what i once told you.. "Don't cry cause it's over, smile cause it happened"! And i laugh :D I can't stop giggling at how much Ryu loved shopping (*Same pinch*) and how we planned so much for a night out & finally ended up dozing off, and the hindi movie we watched... and the list is pretty long...
All  is well that ends well, but i'd prefer not calling it an end! It was never a 'good bye', it was a 'see you later'! I have two angels in my life... And every moment spent with you guys, i always cherish! 
Love you! :)

Sravani & Sr
My bench mates! They are like the proton and electron, i'm supposed to be the neutron here... Sravani laughs at every lame joke of mine, to the contrary, Sr murders every awesome joke of mine! All i need to pass my time in class during a boring lecture is these two girls.. Most of the time, the senario is something like - "Sravani and i laugh-We share the joke with Sr-She has that straight face-We again laugh"! 
I start laughing even before Srav completes her joke, sometimes she doesn't even have to say anything.. The expression is more than enough (Cause i can read her mind in no time :P)!
Well, Sr is the Mother Teresa! Always ready to help.. Other's needs are at higher priority than her's, and that's like WOW! She is also very understanding and there is never a need for me to give an explanation everytime i mess up..

*Thanks a ton girls! Ya'll make me smile.. :)

And now it's time for the three Crazy girls!  Shrav & Spandy, i hardly see them (thanks to they moving to Beachwood), but there's Skype! :P And Shreya, the loud speaker who laughs and screams without a reason! I'm sure there were times when we ROFLed and later realized we were laughing at nothing! :D

* Sweethearts, I really miss you guys (Shrav & Spandy) and hope to see you very soon, i'll come this time! Shreya, i don't really miss you (You're 1 floor above :P)! I miss the sleepovers like hell... And i can never forget the B__ F____ (Fill it up, you know what i'm talking about) =))
Love you! :)

Mom, Dad & Rohit
My strength! You guys complete me... Ya'll are my most precious possession and i'm nothing without you...

* Mom & Dad, i really love both of you! Rohit... errr... you too! :P And i'm thankful to both of you for giving birth to me before him, I can't imagine my life if he was elder to me... ;)
It's hard for me to write about ya'll cause i can't express it in the best way! You make the best couple and the coolest parents... I won't let you guys down ever! I have more than i could wish for... Thanks a lot for everything! I can't thank ya'll enough.. *hug*

And YOU!  I can't fit my complaints here in this blog... It would be a never ending novel.. If i can make few requests here, 
# Please allow me to click pictures!
# Pallleeezzzeeeee don't make me laugh when something serious is going on and even when we are at the temple!
# Don't show off your martial arts skills on me!
# Drive slow when i'm with you!
# Don't sing! :P

Well, i'm asking for too much and i'm sure you'll do nothing! :) Thanks for being there MD(You know what that means :P)! I wouldn't lie by saying you're the best bro one could wish for but i also wouldn't deny that you're better than the best! :D
We are Family! :P

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slut walk!

  The argument on “slut walk” seems to be never ending! Everybody has their own perception about stuff, I have mine too… But before I put it forward, I’d like to elaborate a little more on how slut walk started! Well, Slut Walk was first held in Toronto this year after a police officer outraged women world over when he said in a speech to university students "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." What started, as a protest in one city has spread over 60 cities worldwide to bring attention to society's penchant to blame victims of sexual assault by saying they were asking for it!

 I personally support the whole motive of slut walk. Some person on the streets has no right to decide what I should wear. And I would consider this (slut walk) an opportunity to prove to the prudes that a woman’s integrity is in her heart and not in what she wears. A woman should be able to do exactly what she wants to do to feel emancipated... it's her body, her choice. But when people talk about the way women dress, is it that ONLY skimpily clad women are victims of nasty comments and sexual assault? NO! Even women who dress in saris or not so revealing clothes are harassed!

 Showing a little skin, some say sexy and others say it’s asking for trouble. Somebody made a comparison and quoted, “It’s like placing a bowl of rice in front of a hungry beggar and asking him to keep his hands off it.”! Well, it’s evident whom the hungry beggar and rice are compared to, but I’d like to specify that a hungry beggar craves for rice irrespective of whether it’s sealed in a box or kept open in a plate! NO girl wants or asks for the kind of crude attention and harassment that is doled out and clothes are not rape proof! So I guess it’s time to blame the rapists for rape!
Physical abuse is considered physical abuse in any part of the world! If the consequence of a woman stepping out of the house would be one among rape, physical abuse or sexual assault, then what has to be done? Are women born to sit at home? Why should there be some or the other people present to protect a woman from men? Don’t men have social values? Too many questions, isn’t it? Well, many such unanswered questions arise in the mind of every girl. Well, not all men think that slut walk is a treat to their eyes, there are a few who are concerned about the motive behind the movement. I heard a guy quoting, “She shouldn't have to hang out with me just to feel safe”! That’s comforting!
                According to me, a slut walk should be organized at every city where people think it’s women who provoke the men to assault them! The Slut walk has been branded a 'social movement', which has seen participation of women from all walks of life walking for the cause in the last two months.

  In the capital of our very own country, it (slut walk) was called the “Walk to Liberation”. If that could make a change in certain people’s mindsets then I’m sure most people would agree to it! I definitely say it out loud that organizing a slut walk in other cities of India is very relevant! A hell yeah to it!

My article about Slut Walk in the magazine (Campus Josh)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm in LOVE! : Part-2

*In this post, "YOU" does not refer to the person reading it* :P               
So... Like i already mentioned, I'm officially in love! I finally confessed!

Okay! I love you! :)

             I don't know where to start from, cause may be i love everything about you! Probably, i can best describe you as my first LOVE which never faded and never will... You make me feel so special. Everything you say, everything you do, every moment spent with you is so perfect! Somehow.. everything feels so right when you're around! There's magic around you that makes me hold on and i wouldn't let it pass away. Well, the amazing person that you are, it's an uphill task for me to jot down things I love about you.. May be i'll just say, I can't see a reason NOT to love you! It's a state of bliss, i feel like i'm dreaming...
             I'm more than just glad that you're a part of my life, an essential and inseparable one! I love the way you pamper me.. I love how to take me in your arms when i mess up, i feel so safe not a single tear.. I love your smile.. I love you when you call my name.. I love every every everything about you! When everything seems to be going wrong and I don't know where to you, you bring me back again.. I would never do anything to let go the faith you have in me.. And everything i do or say, i'm more concerned about how you'd feel or what you'd say than anything else... 
             You're the reason for my existence today! I can't imagine what i'd be if you weren't there.. Slowing down, i look around and i'm so amazed. My life would feel so incomplete without you.. Whom would i share every incident in my life with? Whom would i take a long walk with? Who would listen to all the boring stuff i say? Who would let go their sleep just to make sure i slept well? I'm sure there's nobody who can take your place in my life..
             I can take anything but separation from you! You make my life look so perfect.. I think about the little things that make life great, i wouldn't change a thing about it.. It's so beautiful, it makes me wanna cry! This is the best feeling... May be it's the happiness inside that i'm feeling! I thank you with all my heart for every little thing you've done so far.. Nothing has ever gone unnoticed! I love you, for everything!
I'm not sure you know, but the reason i love you is YOU being YOU!

I love you, MOM!
Thanks for being there!

P.S. Sorry if i disappointed the readers, who expected something else! :P
P.P.S. Love you too, DAD! :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm in LOVE! : Part-1

            The world is full of people.. Few good, few bad! Errr... i'm not sure whether bad people exist.. So, i'll rather say.. The world is full of good people and few good people who end up doing bad stuff and get termed a bad people!
             Well, when there are so many good souls on earth, why don't we like everybody? We don't know everybody, do we? Why is it that we feel close to very few of the people we know? And why does it so happen that we feel emotionally bonded to a count few even among the people we are close to? ANDDDDD why do we fall in love only with ONE person? Who decides it all? (NO guys, i'm not starting philosophy again..)
              Falling in love is one of the best things that can happen to anybody! I'm in love! :) May be i always was, but just that it took time for me to realize that i could actually blog it!

So... Curious? Not really? 
Anyway... keep watching this space for the complete story! :P

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dream! :D

          What are dreams? Something that we see when we are asleep? Hmm... yeah probably! Or may be that's all i thought dreams were, but i never had the slightest idea that a group of people discussing dreams would have their own definitions of a dream!
           Dreaming... Well, dreaming while you sleep is pretty normal, i love dreams (Who wants a boring sleep? Time waste!) :P It just happens, nobody plans what to dream about, but many of us also day dream (NO! It's not abnormal). I personally feel that all those who day dream are people who either have unfulfilled wishes or those who are not really happy with the way life treats them!  Coz when you day dream, every action that takes place is completely under your control.. It's more than just awesome when you KNOW that nothing bad can happen and only stuff that you want will happen! You rule man! It makes you feel nice and confident... But you are also aware of the fact that your dream world will disappear once you open your eyes!
            APJ Abdul Kalam said, "A dream is not something that you see when you sleep, it is something that does not allow you to sleep as long as you achieve it"! How true... One can sit dreaming all day and build castles in the air, but what's the point if all of it vanishes once you wake up? Like i always say.. What about this thing called "The Real World"? Unfortunately we live in it and our dreams don't count.. They definitely are imaginary... Err... *BOOM* goes out the smile... Ah! This crappy real world!
            Well, coz we have no other way out.. Let's just do all it takes to make our imaginary world exist in reality! Wouldn't it be amazing to live a dream? It would be GREAT!
             So now... Say it... In your face, REAL WORLD! I'll achieve my dream even though it takes all i've got! If i dream of something today, i'll live it tomorrow!
Keep day dreaming... We are just rehearsing what will be happening very soon! :P

Happy dreaming people! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


        Friends! Ah! Of late i've been losing many of them! Thanks to the misunderstandings that creeped up... Thanks to my "so called" ego... Thanks to their indifference... Thanks to all the stupid stuff i'm thanking now! Well, it isn't really easy to get over it. I don't know why it matters, but it does!
        In my life, friends are like passing clouds... Every cloud passes, it either rains on you and disappears or the wind takes it away.. Then all you can see is clear sky! An apt comparison, isn't it? May not be for ya'll but to some extent for me... Anyway, they are just a part of life.. They aren't life! Every soul on earth is selfish, there aren't many Mother Teresas! I sound mean? Err... ok... if friends weren't selfish, then why would the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" come into existence? Are you doing business out there? If a friend of your's can't help you when you are in need, due to some unavoidable situations, will not remain your friend? Ha! Strange!
         May be i should call myself unlucky with friendship... But i don't think so, coz i do have friends... I would not prefer crying over the spilt milk coz that would fetch me nothing! One rotten apple spoils the whole basket, but i don't wanna think that way... May be every person cannot be compared to a passing cloud, may be there would be someone who is the sky that always stays! :D 
          Everybody hurts someday but i guess i'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.. :)

P.S. Why did i even blog about it? Don't Ask! :P

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weirdo! :P

          A new yet old friend... An annoying yet adorable one! A complete crack head.... He being a close friend of mine was completely out of the question, don't ask why... Coz i still couldn't figure out if we are likes to repel or may be the fact that we have done enough bad to each other in the past to keep us from being good friends! Errr.... i have no idea if that sentence makes any sense... so lite.. :P

          Its quite strange, but we fight for the sake of fighting and can argue over any random thing! The day feels so incomplete if we don't ask each other to "Get lost'... And every time we fight and decide not to talk, one of us texts the other saying "Die! Don't talk.." and then comes a reply that says "Enough... don't oa" and we somehow manage to patch up after a series of such 'one-line texts'! Nevertheless, we patch up only to begin a new argument!  

           If you are wondering whether we have anything in common, then yeah.. we do have stuff in common. Like, the first ever common thing we discovered about each other was our taste in music(we both liked the song "tum mile")... errr... that's the only thing so far! :P And we have understanding too.. He calls me a kid n i call him uncle... see.. :D

           Basically, we can never agree on anything and if we do, then it would be something like an unseasonal rain! I'm one such person who expects people to be more concerned and have minimum courtesy to apologize when at fault... while this guy is a complete indifferent (that's what he says) one! He rarely apologizes the way i want him to (C'mon... saying sorry 5 times is no big deal!). But then I can't stay angry for  long and he manages to divert the topic so knack that i forget he is still 3 sorries due! :P He is one of those very few people who can understand and bare with my mood swings! He knows when i'll get pissed and when i might freak out... and still amazingly manages to do that stuff! He inspires me sometimes (I never wanted him to know) and irritates me most of the time (This he already knows).. ;) This person is one bag full of surprises... that's coz every time i feel "I know him", i'm usually wrong coz he then does something completely unexpected and "weird'.. There are days when he'll call and talk for long... and days when he'll send you those 'one-line texts' for any loooooong text of your's! He gives unnecessary explanations when not needed and prefers to stay calm and aloof when i'm actually waiting for one... Bizarre, like i already said! :P he expects me to write about him but at the same time shys off from reading my blog by claiming to be too lazy to do that... 

             A stern yet fickle minded person... confused yet confident and determined! I din't know writing about him would be such a difficult task! May be i din't know what to write or may be i had more in my head than what i could pen down.. Damn! I ended up writing sooooo much about this weirdo!

There is no P.S.! Why formality? :P

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I ♥ happy endings! :D

            How i wish fairy tales were true! How i wish every story had a happy ending! But most of the time, things don't happen the way we expect them to go... There are rough patches, ups & downs and so, not every story has a happy ending! :( NOW enough of what people call the "Practical attitude". Let's talk about something that might somehow make us happy... Let's talk fiction! :)
             I believe in angels (In fact, i call myself one)! :P Do you? Well, even before you answer that, let me tell you that every time somebody says that they don't believe in angels (I'm not saying it), somewhere an angel falls dead! :( Awww.... sad, isn't it? So don't say it! :P
             And angels are for real! Every time something nice happens to us, most of us thank God. But may be we should thank those angels whom god sent to make us happy! I heard this when i was a kid that God created mothers coz he couldn't manage to make his presence everywhere! Quite true! So isn't every mom a god sent angel? She definitely is... Your mom is your angel! A friend who cheers you up by saying stupid stuff when your feeling low, is an angel... A stranger who smiles at you when you are in a complete new place and makes you happy, is an angel.. We are all surrounded by angels, all we need to do is change our outlook!
              When something bad happens to us, we are all sad and gloomy... we tend to hate everything that happens! But remember, when one door closes, we have many angels who open several other doors for us... I know i already sound filmy... well, to add to it.. "Every story is supposed to have a happy ending and if it doesn't then it is not the end of the story" (Shamelessly copy-pasted from OM SHANTI OM) :P But it is pretty true!
               Believe in happy endings... coz it feels really nice when you feel you KNOW that everything is gonna fall back to place and things will be as expected or may be even better! :) Have a positive attitude! Be an optimist!

P.S. I'm an angel now! :P If i somehow made you feel better or made you giggle (at my stupid thoughts)! :) C'mon.. I must've made you smile! Monisha is an angel.. (say it) :P

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What matters?

I've tried all my life to please people around me. Everything I do matters so much.. It affects many... 
  • Have you ever wondered why our little brain thinks so much before every little thing that we do?
  • Why do we think about what people will think?
  • Why does it matter to us?
  • Don't we have th right to what we like, irrespective of what others think?
  • Why should we always oblige to others?
Alright! After all these questions in the very beginning of the blog, you would definitely expect answers too. Well, I may not have an answer to every single question but I do have my own point of view...
         Okay! Now, the "others" i mentioned are not really "others"... They are people to whom we are somehow connected! We actually care about what they think about us, even though we keep denying the fact! So does that mean we don't have a choice but to do things their way? Errr.. I'll say NO!
          C'mon! It's my life after all... How long will I try hard to please others  and do stuff ONLY for the? When do i please myself? When can i have no one to please but myself? I have my own choices to make and i can take my own decisions and will do things my way! Another thing i've learnt i9s that I won't do stuff just coz everybody is doing it! I'll do it only when i feel it's right.. I have nothing to do with what the world thinks as long as i'm right!
          I know i sound pretty rebellious unlike earlier but I don't wanna mislead ya'll by saying all this! It doesn't mean you'll now hurt people all the time by disobeying them and by doing "wrong things" (You know and can differentiate between wrong & right) Don't turn into a brat! Just be heard! Let people know what you think... Have fun... Live life king size... No room for tears, nobody is worth our tears (they are precious)! Smile... Smile a lot... (Don't worry, people won't call you mad)...

One last advice: What people think is not really important! Just remember, your conscience is there! You know what you are doing.... Don't do any such thing for which you'll have to repent later! :)

P.S. Thanks Mum and Dad! I really love ya'll for being there and supporting me in everything i do! :)

My soul sister!?! :P

           I know a pretty girl! I know her for about 3 years now... People call her Shravya (Mittu), I'd call her a PYT! :P I don't know why out of the blue did i feel like writing about her... I don't know why her writings inspire me so much... I don't know how she manages to be so lovable... I don't know why i'm using "I don't know" so many times... Well, may be coz she says "idk" more often!
           Omg! She is one girl who finds everything i do, really different and nice. She unknowingly says so much stuff that makes me feel really better when i'm feeling all blue. She is more than just sweet...
           This girl can write really long messages and when she shares stuff that's already happened or narrates a situation to me, she talks about every single bit of it (She even mentions if she yawned or sneezed) and I ACTUALLY live the moment! Coz when she later reminds me of it,I feel I was there when all that happened!
            She's got a very charming personality. It'll hardly take any time for a person to get completely lost in her talk! Everything form the way she smiles to the way she cries is admirable about her! But i hate the crying part... It's all sad and gloomy! I just hope she always has that smile glued to her pretty face and never shed a tear! Coz people smile when she does... :)
           I can count on her, any day. :) We became good friends in a very short span of time... We laughed, we played, we cried, we danced, we shared, we hanged out... And every moment i spent with her, i'll treasure!

You are a wonderful person Shrav! Don't let minor stuff affect you so much. I know the blog is a way too much but if you don't get back to normal asap and start giggling for all my stupid jokes again, I always have my blog space and it's really easy for me to embarrass you like this! :P (No offense)
Love ya!
Take care!
SMILE... (Palezeeeee!) :)

Post P.S.
Spandy! Love ya too.. :P :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


           It usually happens that we envy our peers or others for something that they posses and we don't. But we fail to think that we eventually are others for somebody else! Not everybody gets exactly everything that they wish for... Hmmm... one can never be contended with what they've got! Happens! It's human tendency to desire for more...
           Lets assume, there are a set of people who wish to be rich and envy their friends who already are! Fair enough! So, instead of putting all these thoughts in a wrong way and developing negative feelings for those friends, WORK HARD! Think Positive! For that matter, may be if that friend wasn't there, that person might not have got the thought of being rich! Well, such things one can change or achieve!
           What about times when one is not satisfied with his/her looks? A dark person may long to have a fairer complexion, while a fair person might wanna have beautiful features! Somebody who has short hair might love to grow their hair (that hardly grows) and somebody with really long locks might wanna cut it short and get that short hair look! A short person may wish to grow taller and a tall one might be sick of it (last bench in every class)...
             Can one ever be satisfied with what God has given? You got your share, while the others got their's... You should remain the way you are, don't let the world bother you! Wake up every morning and make sure you tell that person in the mirror.. "You are very beautiful!" That's coz you are.... It hardly matters what the rest of the world thinks about you. All that matters is what you think and believe in...
              Stop cribbing over things that you don't have, instead feel proud about what you are... But make sure you still stay grounded!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who cares?

            All of you must surely have one such person around who cries very often. And most of you do know people whom you call a "CRY BABY"! It's just a part of fun to tease them... Cat-calling and making people who cry the prime topic of the jokes is definitely easy..! But do you ever think how that person feels? Most of us don't...
             It usually happens that when a person cries in front you for the first time, you try to console him/her... you do it even the second time. But why do you stop caring when the person cries for the 10th or 15th time? How does the number of times the person has cried matter? I really don't get it... You tend to feel bad even when a person you care for cries for the 100th time.... I don't understand how people manage to say "Huh! He/She keeps crying. Leave it alone.." Whoa! What a thing to say!
            Have you ever put yourself in that person's shoes? Stuff that hurts him/her need not seem appealing to you (You are not him/her).
            Hmmm... I don't know what exactly to write in this space but do remember, when somebody is weeping or feeling low... It's neither the time to show your bad attitude nor to count the number of times that person has cried! Well, if you don't care... then don't pretend like you do... coz at that moment it may make that person feel better but when you don't show the same amount of care the next time, it hurts even more! But then if you do care... just chuck all those stupid thoughts and think what you can do to cheer that person  up and make the moment lighter! Spread happiness..! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


             Are you perfect? Proof? :P Huh! You won't have.. well, i've heard this very stupid attitude quote that says "Nobody's Perfect... I'm NOBODY!" Whoa... I say "Crap!".
             We expect everybody else to be extremely perfect and never to go wrong. But when it comes to us, we should always be excused and when somebody gets pissed off at something that we did, we get extra upset (to the contrary)... coz most of us are so used to be pampered and treated  like "Your highness!". OMG! We live in a real world people and lets get used to the fact that the world hardly cares who you are (Unless you are a celeb or smthn)! You may be a princess/prince at home... but out of "Home Sweet Home", you are just another girl/guy!
              Well, when you can't be perfect yourself, isn't it terribly wrong to expect others to be complete perfectionists? is! The sort of behavior we expect from others is not always pleasing and as expected! Hmm... 
For example: YOU! You treat few people really well, make fun of few others and trouble the rest! Now, you can't expect the lot that you trouble, to treat you like an angel! They will never do that (And that's coz they are no angels either :P)... But then, you can surely expect that sort of sweet behavior from the people whom you treat well... That's coz... errr... remember Newton's Third Law? "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"!
                 So now ya'll definitely know how to treat whom, don't you? If you want them to treat you nice then be nice to them... It's so much like GIVE RESPECT AND TAKE RESPECT! Don't expect every soul on earth to be perfect coz you yourself lack perfection in several aspects.. This whole behaviour thing is a pure "Barter System"! As i already said... Give and Take policy... :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thanks a bunch, all of you!
Your appreciation matters a lot to me! :)

I'm really glad that many of you can relate to the contents in my blogs.. :D

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Unexplainable Feelings!

                 You know that person is lying.... You know he/she hides the truth from you.... He/She makes you feel like your the only one he/she cares for and the very next moment he/she acts aloof like it doesn't matter whatsoever happens to you.... You know it hurts when that person is rude to you.... Your the only one who knows you are in pain....
                  Even then, you wait... Coz you can't let go! You keep waitin for the moment when he/she will confess the truth and might make an effort to sort stuff out! But how long? How long will you fake your feelings? How long can u possibly stick that plastic smile on your face? You can't lie to yourself for long, can you?
                  Everything has a saturation point! EVERYTHING! After that you can't help the situation, even if you wish to...
                  You would love having an ice-cream only before it melts... Once it melts, it's only the slime you can lick off your fingers... You still are eating the ice-cream but you don't enjoy the taste and it's not meant to be eaten that way either!
                   Don't wait for the right moment, there is nothing like that.. Go for it and make it the right moment! All i wanna say is... Don't test people's patience... Don't take anybody for granted (whosoever it may b)... Don't wait till things reach an yielding point and situations get out of your control... "Make hay while sun shines!" I know this saying may seem meaningless (Who would wish to make hay?). Well, lets not take it literally.. grasp the soul of the saying...
                   Ya'll might fail to understand why i blogged stuff like this out of the blue... Hmmm... I usually act before i think! That's where i mess up most of the stuff... Brooding over few such incidents where i screwed up and did exactly what i shouldn't have done, I really feel it's time to learn from all of it and mend my ways!
                   When people say "Never give explanations! People who understand you, will not need it and those who don't understand you are not worth it".. i say.. "Never say never"! Well, that's pretty true.. But lets face it, we are human beings! We ain't GODS! When things mess up (irrespective of whose fault it is), confront that person and try sorting things out... I can't guarantee that everything will become picture perfect but you at least made an attempt to do so... You'll be clear on your part and will feel better too..
                  So for all those people who messed up things and are waiting for the right moment, THIS IS THE RIGHT MOMENT! No room for EGO! There is nothing to wait for... Go for it!  Forgive and Forget! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Height of STUPIDITY...

           Alright! Now, this is one really stupid thing i did when i was a kid. This happened a way back when i was in my 4th grade.
           Well, it was my birthday and my parents threw a lavish party for which, Dad got very pretty invitations printed! I had to invite my classmates for the do... I merrily distributed the invitations in the class but neglected two girls (Sruthi & Savita)... yeah... i still remember their names! err... Guess why i din't invite them... you could never guess! I'll tell ya'll... I shrugged off the idea of inviting them coz they couldn't manage to score good grades in class and i usually topped my class...
            I still can't believe how headstrong i was those days... huh! How could i do something so dumb! Well, then... i couldn't do much about it, i din't get a chance to apologize either .... that's coz i changed my school and moved to another city, thanks to my Dad... his job kept him going places and we accompanied him!
            Frankly, i've never repented for anything as much as i do for this. It was completely unintentional but that hardly matters coz it already happened... i can't change a bit of it... well, i could, only if i had a time machine... which i don't have! I don't know if these two girls even remember this incident, but i do and will.... Such things are hard to forget, aren't they?
            SORRY girls! Wheresoever ya'll are... :(

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Great expectations...

             "You are a wonderful person!". Has anybody ever said that to you? Yeah? Then you definitely know how awesome it feels to hear that. My parents often say that to me. and i just love it! Err... who doesn't like to be complimented?
              Well, that's one side of it! With so many compliments showering over you, you should also remember that people have high hopes on you. you'll say "Big deal? who cares?". For all those who react that way... hmm... Yup, it is a big deal!
              With that happy feeling in your heart, you are also scared at the same time... that's coz you aren't really sure whether you will be able to stand up to all those expectations or not! You'll hardly realize, when that sweet-happy feeling turns into a fear that haunts you.... it may not happen with each one of you reading this but it definitely must've happen to few of ya'll... You all of a sudden feel burdened. You can't lt them down, can you?
              Now, that's when I know exactly what to do! well, not realy but this is what i do... Indulge in your favourite hobby! Feel proud of yourself that there are so many people around you, who feel you have some great potential to make it big! You definitely are a wonderful person. Recognize your talent, speak to your heart, listen to it!
              You kno what? Any motivating talk will boost your spirits only for a while... May it'll last for an hour or so.... YOU are the one who's gotta work things out and make it big! That day, all those people who were all praises for you will be the most happiest people! :)

One fine morning....

            It was the day after Diwali... I was sulking! Well, that's coz I had a stupid lab external to attend which is why i couldn't enjoy the crackers and I called myself "Eco-Friendly"! :P
           Hmmm.... I was walking to my bus stop, like evry other morning. On the way, I noticed a man who was sweeping the road! Poor guy!We people liter stuff all over the road... like papers from the crackers that most of us burn and people like the man i saw have to clean it up, neverthless, for us to dirty it all over again!
           Well, that day I don't know why I felt like smiling at him and also thought i coulad actually wish him a happy festival. Then i waited for him to look at me and when he did, I said "Happy Diwali..!". I still can't forget the way his face lightened up.... He smiled back and politely replied "Happy Diwali, beta!".... Awww.... After that day, every morning i looks at him, he smiles back and it lightens up my day....
           I don't know what's so exciting about me wishing an unknown person on the road but it feels so nice when i think of it... :D